Chatting and Collaborating with Diso Potion | A Dash of Chels

Chatting and Collaborating with Diso Potion

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June 14, 2018

I stumbled upon Disco Potion and immediately knew I wanted to collaborate with her! Disco Potion is full of all things lady power and millennial culture, AKA right up my alley! On top of the great reads, she creates her own collage artwork too! Read my interview with her below to find out what Disco Potion is all about and what she created for me.

How did you get started creating such creative collages? 

I’ve always been a visual and creative person; whether it comes to film, photographs, books, music, dance…I’ve always been attracted to it. The fact that we as humans are able to create something spectacular from nothing amazes me. I by no means consider myself an expert with my collages, as I am completely self-taught. I played around with Photoshop for about a month and started creating pieces of art for my apartment, friends and family. One day I thought to myself, “Hey, I can make a business out of this!” I’m in the beginning stages as I launched a few months ago, but I am truly enjoying the ride thus far.

What do you look for when creating new content? Is there a certain genre that inspires you? 

My content creation process consists of me scrolling through social media and screenshotting images that stand out to me. It’s important that I convey a message in my collages, which is why I always include an original quote with each post. I’m giving my audience a glimpse into my mind; I want them to think.

Female empowerment is something I love to express in my art. In fact, I have a lot of opinions on the matter (as can be seen in my article on nipples).

What does the collage process look like for you? How long does it typically take to create on collage? Where would you like to see Disco Potion in 5 years?

It honestly depends. Sometimes I go into a project with a clear image in my mind; so, I can get that done relatively quickly. Other times, however, I stare at my computer screen wondering how the hell I’m going to come up with another unique piece of art.

Where would you like to see Disco Potion in 5 years?

In five years, I would love to have created a name for myself. I want someone to look at a collage and think, "Hey, that's a Disco Potion piece!" I came into Disco Potion with the intention for it to be a blog, which it still is. However, my collages have completely taken off and are definitely what make me stand out from the traditional "blogger".

Thank you Taylor, for being so kind and quick to want to work with me. Now go check out her mesmerizing collages and give her a follow!

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